Contributions to Other Books


Dr. Zelinger worked with the editors on the following eight books by American Girl Publishing, where she reviewed the storyboard and developed the “For Parents” pages that follow each story. The prefix page in each book reads, “Special thanks to Dr. Laurie Zelinger, consultant, child psychologist and registered play therapist. Dr. Zelinger reviewed and helped shape the “For Parents” section, which was written by editorial staff.”

Prescriptive Play Therapy


Prescriptive Play Therapy – Tailoring Interventions For Specific Childhood Problems edited by Heidi Gerard Kaduson, Donna Cangelosi and Charles E. Schaeffer, aimed at helping practitioners choose from the broad range of play therapy approaches to create a comprehensive treatment plan that meets the individual needs of each child. (October, 2019) Dr. Zelinger wrote Chapter 4, “Play Therapy for Children with Fears and Phobias”, pages 54-72.


Bitty Baby and Me


Bitty Baby at the Ballet


Bitty Baby Has a Tea Party


Bitty Baby Loves the Snow


Bitty Baby Makes a Splash


Bitty Baby the Brave


Bitty Baby Shares a Gift


Bitty Baby Princess


book-SchoolBasedPlayTherapyDr. Zelinger has written a book chapter entitled, “Understanding and Generalizing Communication Patterns in Children with Selective Mutism” for individuals who work with youngsters with selective mutism in schools. It appears as Chapter 17 on pages 359-377 in this book, published in 2010.

School-Based Play Therapy – Second Edition,
by Athena A. Drewes and Charles E. Schaefer

Click here to read excerpts from Dr. Zelinger’s Chapter 17



Dr. Zelinger is acknowledged for having edited and proofread the many drafts of Chynna Laird’s 2010 book, Not Just Spirited, the story of a mother’s journey raising a daughter with Sensory Integration Disorder.


book-StayingHomeAloneDr. Zelinger is also credited with editorial development for the 2009 American Girl book, a smart girl’s guide to staying home alone: a girl’s guide to feeling safe and having fun.

Dr. Laurie Zelinger and Dr. Fred Zelinger wrote the foreword for
cyber bully bullying no more: Parenting a High Tech Generation
by Holli Kenley, M.A.

Published by Loving Healing Press, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 2012

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